Final Fantasy XIII cross-platform: Thoughts and in-depth analysis
Topic: Games
Yo srry guys, i havent been on 2 update my blog in a long time. but seeing dis news i knew i had 2 like tell any1 about dis.
Im sure probably all of u guys know about the Final Fantasy series of games dat have been released for the ps2 and the original ps before that. During all dat time the games always remaind ps exlusives and were never known 2 have been released for other platforms (dat is the main series of the games, not the spin-offs or de abysmal Final Fantasy XI).

Not any more. Final Fantasy XIII which was originally planned 2 be a ps3 exclusive is now being released on the xbox 360 as well. At this point all u ps fanboys must be outraged. It seems dat Sqaure Enix the developers of the game have somehow come 2 realise dat if they released the game cross-platform they would make much more profit than releasing it as a ps3 exclusive. The ps3 is currently behind the xbox 360 in units sold, though the ps3 is quickly advancing its still not enough. This annoucement was quite a blow 2 SONY because at this moment they r losing bilions of dollers on the ps3 and seek 2 make profit through software sales ( they have a chance of good software sales at thier ps3 exclusive games).

This was certainly a big announcement at E3 2008 for both the ps3 and the xbox 360. It seems Micrsoft has somehow given Sony a metaphorical punch in the gut.
So tell me how u feel at this news: angry, sad maybe a ittle mad. Well however u guys feel make sure 2 let us know in our comments section.
Stoic Bliss Entries
not sure
Topic: Music
Just wanted to give u guys a taste of bd bands, so i uploaded STOIC BLISS Ac1D feat. Acid Ke? Hope u like it.
Ac1D feat. Acid Ke?
Ps3 Third-party Rumble controller worth its price?
Topic: Games
As we all know
Playstation fans everywhere were dissapointed by the lack of the rumble funcionality on the
ps3 Sixaxis Wireless. So
SONY decided to create the new
Dual shock 3 the system. The controller is heading to markets soon but the
NYKO ZERO controller has beat it to it. How is it? pretty good really especially cause it has detachable batteries. The only down side is that it isn't wireless and costs $5 more than the Dual Shock 3. So i recommend this controller for all those impatient PS3 owner out there that are dyin for rumble.
Bangladeshi Band!
Topic: Music
There are a lot of ppl out there that think that BD has no good bands. Well im here 2 prove ya wrong. Stoic Bliss is an awesome BD band. U should listen to its songs and u'll know for urself that its awesome. Just Click my stoic bliss link on the left side of the page and u'll c its of the hook.
World Cyber Games 2008
Topic: Games
The World Cyber Games 2008 is fast approaching and

its gonna be bigger and better than ever bfore, so all u gamers out there get ready cus if u wanna participate u better start practicin. I myself am gonna participate in the cyber games for
FIFA 08 and i can tell u im pretty good at it. The fianls of the world Cyber games will take place in Cologne, Germany on October. So this is just a shout out to all u ppl that r gonna participate, and i wish u all da best of luck.
Hello World!
Topic: My Life
Yo Wassup ppl?!
This is my new blog about video games and stuff like that.... anyways im Nightway11, im a gamer from Bangladesh and i basicly opened this site cus i had nothin else 2 do. So ill be postin news in the video games industries from now on and i hope that you read and enjoy them.